Considering a job as a Manitoba school superintendent or assistant superintendent?
Please read the following important information before signing a contract:
- MASS provides excellent services to assist with contract negotiations, including salary and other benefit information. Candidates for a public school superintendent or assistant superintendent position are advised to contact Executive Director, Barb Isaak, at 204-219-7059 or via email at before discussing these issues with the school board. It is alright, meanwhile, to accept a position “subject to completing a contract.”
- MASS and the Manitoba School Boards Association highly recommend that both the school board and the superintendent candidate seek legal advice before signing a contract of employment. MASS has made arrangements with a local lawyer with expertise in labour relations for a one-time consultation to review the contract, answer questions and provide general advice for a modest fee. For assistance, please contact Mr. Fred Thiessen, Gange Collins Barristers & Solictors. Ph: 204-953-5413 Email:
- MASS and the Manitoba School Boards Association have developed a booklet Leading Together which includes important information for superintendents and school boards on recruitment, selection and qualifications of a superintendent, the superintendent’s contract and the board-superintendent working relationship.
- A long-term disability plan is available through MASS. The plan offers a Guaranteed Standard Issue individual policy to MASS members without the requirement of a medical examination. Should you decide to join MASS; further information on the LTD plan will be provided to you. Please do not let your previous LTD coverage lapse prior to confirmation of your acceptance into this plan.
- MASS provides several professional learning opportunities for members each year, including a Mentorship Program for new members, as well as other professional services and a support network to assist members in their roles. An orientation session for new superintendents in Manitoba is held in August in conjunction with the MASS Summer Institute.